
  • The Truly Brilliant Design - the Selfie Stick
    January 23, 2015

    The Truly Brilliant Design - the Selfie Stick

    That's what makes the selfie stick so brilliant, and its designer so totally unimportant. It solves a complex problem—a problem that plenty of major technology companies have failed at solving—with the dumbest and most logical solution out there.


  • Swapping Modular Phone: Google’s latest modular smartphone prototype
    January 18, 2015

    Swapping Modular Phone: Google’s latest modular smartphone prototype

    Project Ara: a project to build a phone that doesn’t cram everything into the smallest package, but one that lets you pick out and swap every important component.


  • What Can a Reliable Turn key Service Do for You?
    December 16, 2014

    What Can a Reliable Turn key Service Do for You?

    A reliable PCB Assembly Turn key services are not PCB Assembly Only, but also help customer do Productize work and Supply Chain Management.


  • Salvaging Circuits
    October 23, 2014

    Salvaging Circuits

    PCB recycling utilizes an array of techniques, including magnetic or eddy current metal separation, trommel screens, and chemical dissolving methods.


  • PCB Routing Requirements
    September 28, 2014

    PCB Routing Requirements

    There are a lot of requirements of PCB routing, such as line width/ space, routing method, Copper Polygon, etc.